DISEÑO DE EXTERIORES Alba Villacampa Diseño de jardines | Paisajismo | Tenerife

Ángel Romero Avenue slope
In mid-2018, Urbaser commissioned us a project to improve a landscaped slope in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. At that time, the slope had scattered groups of two Lavanda species, Ivy and a small area reserved for seasonal plants.
The soil seemed to be rocky and scarce, thus the application of organic matter and compost was suggested, before the planting, to improve the soil.
The design involved a high density planting to minimize weeds since the budget did not allow to place an organic net.
The design had to pursue the following aims:
Create a wildflower meadow look.
High planting at the top, next to the pedestrian walkway, in order to prevent dogs from entering the green area.
Minimize soil loss induced by runoff.
The existing Lavanda groups were planned to be eliminated to enable the installation of the automatic drip-irrigation system and the soil improvement. The seasonal plants area was not included in the design in order to abound in the sustainability of the design.
The selection of species was based on the following criteria:
Low water and maintenance needs.
Use of endemic plants.
All year round interest.
Execution and maintenance undertaken by Urbaser.