DISEÑO DE EXTERIORES Alba Villacampa Diseño de jardines | Paisajismo | Tenerife

Landscaping design

Landscaping design - green zone I

Detail - concrete prisms

Landscaping design
Green areas in an industrial estate
Collaboration with Acta Ingeniería SL in the Jagua Industrial estate project, specifically in the design of the planned green areas (two large esplanades and a roundabout).
The green zones, designed with low maintenance requirements in mind, will be covered with a gravel mulching interrupted by bands of concrete prisms, hedges and palm trees.
The palms (Phoenix canariensis) will be inserted In some of the “open” grids formed by the hedges and concrete bands. These grids will blur to the margins of the quarry resulting in a small Palm Grove.
The roundabout, under which a sewage treatment plant is located, will be bounded by a low masonry wall. The same gravel mulch will cover this area and a small hollow, eccentrically located, will be planted with cardones (Euphorbia canariensis) and tabaibas (Euphorbia balsamifera).