DISEÑO DE EXTERIORES Alba Villacampa Diseño de jardines | Paisajismo | Tenerife

Presentation 1

Presentation 2


Presentation 1
Public tender. Road in Tenerife
Collaboration with Acta Ingeniería SL (engineering firm) in the public tender "Avenida Tres de Mayo - Guajara 2ª Fase (Ofra - El Chorrillo)", in particular in the design for the new green area situated next to the road: endemic plant species, walks and a sport circuit.
The Land Use Plan of Santa Cruz de Tenerife establishes that the free space between roundabouts 3 and 5 will be a "green area".
The cuttings and embankments set up in this area a slope that is located between a street of new construction (San Matías G3) and the new promenade.
A longitudinal walk between slopes shall communicate one end of the garden area with roundabout number 3. The design pretends another use and provides different elements which attempt to motivate various sports activities.
Endemic species will be planted according to the vegetation in the rest of the TF-5.