DISEÑO DE EXTERIORES Alba Villacampa Diseño de jardines | Paisajismo | Tenerife

Previous state - general views

Previous state - cavities and other problems

Current state after the refurbishment works - July 2013

Previous state - general views
Re-design of “Las Flores” Square, Güimar
Collaboration with the Raquel Guanche, J. David Izquierdo and David Espejo architectural studio in the identification of species, devise the way to proceed with them, selection of new plants and irrigation instalation.
The most important aspect of the project was the analisis of the state of the trees which were affected by the tropical storm Delta and the lack of space for a correct development. Each tree was analysed, identifying the damages and consequent risks and proposing, prior agreement with the ownership, it´s transplantation, maintenance or cut down.
The canarian palm trees, which formed an interior ring, were maintained due to their ecological and aesthetic value. This forced the elimination or transplantation of trees that, because of their size and location, interfered with their development.
Although there were recomendations to cut down many trees, the planting of new specimens was made necessary to provide shade to elderly people that gather normally in the square. The species selected were already present in the square in order to unify and soothe the design.
One of the objectives of the re-design was to make the square more transparent and therefore increase the sense of security. This aspect was achieved by replacing the shrub stratum by creeping plants and small flower sub-shrubs.
The trees chosen for the playground will provide shade, colour with their blooms and, as they belong to a new species, they will distinguish this area form the rest. This tree´s big leaves will enable the rubber floor to be cleaned.